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How Secure Is Your Document Storage?

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Document storage is a sensitive topic, and healthcare providers must take adequate steps to ensure that their patients’ records are stored securely and privately. Unfortunately, many healthcare providers simply do not have the time to deal with the security of all of their documents. However, it is essential that documents are stored in a manner that is compliant with HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) guidelines.

HIPPA Guidelines for Document Storage

secure document storage facility

HIPPA requires that all patient records are stored in a secure place that only a limited number of people can access. In some cases, this guideline can be met simply by putting the documents in a locked filing cabinet. In other cases, a healthcare provider may need to outsource their document storage to a third party provider. Third party storage companies offer a range of services that are designed to help healthcare providers respect their patient privacy while also meeting the strict HIPPA guidelines.

The Role of Storage Companies for Healthcare Providers

Healthcare providers may not always have the time or the space to deal with all of their medical records. Luckily, they have several options, and storage companies can create customized plans that deal with the particular storage needs of any clinic or hospital. Clinics who want old records disposed of in a discrete way, for example, can turn to a storage company for their shredding services. Companies who need more space can store their documents in a remote facility, or they can have a document storage company scan their records and store them electronically.

By using a company who understands the delicate nature of medical records, a healthcare provider can ensure that they are storing their records appropriately.

Auditing Your Document Storage

To determine how safe your storage is, you may wish to ask yourself the following questions:

Is there an alarm system protecting your documents?

Are paper records in a humidity controlled environment?

Are electronic records protected adequately?

If you have answered no to any of the above questions or if you are concerned about the security of your document storage, you may wish to consult with a document storage company.

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Sales: 856-579-6412

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